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Mist in North Velebit, Croatia. North Velebit National Park is the newest park in Croatia. The area was chosen thanks to its particular geology and the richness of its biodiversity. I took this photo during a photo trip. Croatia is a small country but very, very beautiful. It's a pristine place with incredible nature still preserve.

How I did this photo ? Canon 5D Mark IV 400 mm f5,6 1/1000e f9 Iso 50. No filter. High Key.

Brouillard dans le Velebit du Nord, Croatie. Le parc national du Velebit du Nord est le plus récent de Croatie. La zone a été choisie en raison de sa géologie particulière et de la richesse de sa biodiversité. J'ai pris cette photo lors d'un voyage photo. La Croatie est un petit pays mais très, très beau. C'est un endroit vierge avec une nature incroyable encore préservée.

#landscape #landscapephotography #landscaper #croatia #velebit #fog #art #nature #croatian #wilderness #wildlifeprotection #blackandwhite #highkeyphotography #highkey #nationalpark #forest #clouds #canon #traveleurope #europe #pixelfed #minimalism #paysage #foret #croatie #paysages #nature #natura #velebit #blackwhite #blackandwhitephotography #mountain #mountainview #countryside #landschaft #landschaftspark #naturlandschaft #natur #natura #croatianairlines #croatian #discover #teamwanderlust #digitalart #magicishere #tree #baum #trees #shapes #forest
Mist in North Velebit, Croatia. North Velebit National Park is the newest park in Croatia. The area was chosen thanks to its particular geology and the richness of its biodiversity. I took this photo during a photo trip. Croatia is a small country but very, very beautiful. It's a pristine place with incredible nature still preserve.

How I did this photo ? Canon 5D Mark IV 400 mm f5,6 1/1000e f9 Iso 50. No filter. High Key.

Brouillard dans le Velebit du Nord, Croatie. Le parc national du Velebit du Nord est le plus récent de Croatie. La zone a été choisie en raison de sa géologie particulière et de la richesse de sa biodiversité. J'ai pris cette photo lors d'un voyage photo. La Croatie est un petit pays mais très, très beau. C'est un endroit vierge avec une nature incroyable encore préservée.

#landscape #landscapephotography #landscaper #croatia #velebit #fog #art #nature #croatian #wilderness #wildlifeprotection #blackandwhite #highkeyphotography #highkey #nationalpark #forest #clouds #canon #traveleurope #europe #pixelfed #minimalism #paysage #foret #croatie #paysages
Diese großen glänzenden schwarzen Augen erinnern mich immer an die Helme von Astronauten, in denen sich das Weltall spiegelt.
Bild 2

These huge shiny black eyes always remind me of the helmets of astronauts, in which the universe is reflected.
Picture 2

#helgoland #Kegelrobbe #photography #grayseal #Nordstrand #Nordsee #northsea #animalwildlife #wildlife #wildlifephotography #darktable #highkey #highkeyphotography #closeup #portrait #porträt

Hey friends! This is the winter feeling I really love. To be honest, for each shot I have to decide whether I make a bright or a dark version of it.

What do I want to express? A cold, frosty vibe? A pure look? A dark, cold one? This is the type of creativity that I so love in the #photography process.

And in the end, I hope to get a shot that resonates with me - and hopefully with you as well.

Vor kurzem hatte ich mich ganz nett mit einer jungen Kegelrobbe unterhalten. Sie war fotogen und ich hatte eine Kamera, also passten wir ganz gut zusammen. Es entstanden schöne Bilder und ich hoffe wir werden uns wiedersehen!

Bild 1

Recently I had a nice chat with a young gray seal. She was photogenic and I had a camera, so we were a good match. We took some nice pictures and I hope to see you again!

Picture 1

#helgoland #Kegelrobbe #photography #grayseal #greyseal #Nordstrand #Nordsee #northsea
#animalwildlife #wildlife #wildlifephotography #darktable #highkey #highkeyphotography

Ich melde mich zurück. 2 atemberaubende Wochen im hohen Norden liegen hinter mir. Jetzt muss ich erstmal die Eindrücke und die Bilder sortieren und verarbeiten… (Und gesund werden, habe mir COVID als Souvenir mitgebracht 😩)
Als kleiner Vorgeschmack eine Dreizehenmöwe, im Englischen Kittiwake (mag ich lieber als den deutschen Namen…)