Sustainability in the Making' | Digital Sketchbook 2024
In late spring this year we had a nice surprise: a couple of great tits birds nested in one of the little birdhouses we have around the garden. The brood unfortunately failed, my personal guess it was because of the very big renovation works they started to do a couple of weeks after the first chicks hatched in the adjacent house, during which they also razed all vegetation in the garden: all the likely, the disturbances made the birds abandon the nest, where we found two dead chicks and an unhatched egg. It was a sad discovery, after the excitement of having for the first time one of our birdhouses occupied.
It was with joy and curiosity that I observed the birds collecting little feathers and straws for their nest, a quite laborious and fascinating birdcraft.
As I was looking for a sort of 'logo' for my thesis, I thought the birds making their nest was a wonderful example of craft in the animal kingdom. And my little tribute to our little winged lodgers, hoping that, despite the unexpected interruption last spring, they will be back next year.
Sketched in
@conceptsapp and finalised in
@affinitybyserif Affinity Photo
'Sustainability in the Making' is a craft-based PhD that study social craft for cultures of sustainability through a graphic ethnography approach. You can follow the whole development of my thesis at
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