Listening to some #UriahHeep.
Is Lady in Black just a rock cover of a folk song retelling of the racial memory of a warlord being visited in the past by Rasd-Coduresa Diziet Embless Sma da' Marenhide ? #theculture
Listening to some #UriahHeep.
Is Lady in Black just a rock cover of a folk song retelling of the racial memory of a warlord being visited in the past by Rasd-Coduresa Diziet Embless Sma da' Marenhide ? #theculture
Ich hab grad Karten bestellt für die Abschiedstour meiner Lieblingsband #uriahheep
Ich freue mich drauf, sie wieder live zu sehen, bin aber gleichzeitig traurig
1. Mai 87
21.03.2025 Düsseldorf / AK 47
22.03.2025 Düsseldorf / Weltkunstzimmer
Four Imaginary Boys
08.02.2025 Köln / Yard Club
Miracle of Sound
17.05.2025 Essen / Turock
Peach Pit
15.04.2025 Köln / Bürgerhaus Stollwerck
09.05.2025 Köln / Kantine
Sober Truth
08.03.2025 Köln / Halle am Rhein
04.04.2025 Köln / Groove Bar & Lounge
Tarchon Fist
15.03.2025 Bochum / Jugendzentrum Falkenheim
The Pighounds
06.02.2025 Düsseldorf / Pitcher
@MarianneTiel : I'm not going to post 20 covers, but this is the cover of one of the first albums I bought.
July Morning: (I didn't hear it for decades, I'm impressed again).
Mick Box's (Uriah Heep) 5 favorite songs of all time
#nowplaying während der #abendrunde mit #django
#uriahheep - #thepark (1971)
Immer noch ein grandioses Stück
@ploum @Ingrid_completement_alouest
Connais-tu bien la bonne période de #Uriah #Heep ? Essaye #Demons & #Wizard Je pense que cela a pas mal inspiré #Maiden. -->
Idem pour #Budgie essaye #bandolier.
Tu prends #UriahHeep (période #Gary #Thain) et #Budgie et tu obtiens #IronMaiden quelques années plus tard.
Mick Box's (Uriah Heep) 5 favorite albums
This is a thing I've never known before
It's called easy livin'
Easy Livin' by Uriah Heep
Demons and Wizards, 1972
#NowPlaying on #KEXP's #VarietyMix
Uriah Heep:
Tears in My Eyes
playlist on Spotify
Song on #Spotify:
Tears in My Eyes (2017 - Remas...
Das deutsche #Woodstock - Flower-Power in der Pfalz (Doku auf ARTE) - 1972 in Germersheim spielen internationale Künstler wie Pink Floyd und Uriah Heep neben Krautrock-Bands wie Amon Düül 2
TV-Tagestipp der taz: "Chaos pur und gute Laune: Die Arte-Doku feiert die Mutter aller Festivals. Das 2. British Rock Meeting in Germersheim prägt mehr als 50 Jahre später weiterhin die deutsche Festivalkultur. Eine Suche nach Erinnerungen."
„Das deutsche Woodstock – Flower-Power in der Pfalz“, 20.15 Uhr, Arte
"Pfingsten 1972 wird in der #Pfalz deutsche #Musikgeschichte geschrieben: Beim 2. British Rock Meeting in #Germersheim spielen internationale Künstler*innen wie Pink Floyd, Uriah Heep und Status Quo. Bis zu 100.000 Gäste – GIs, Blumenkinder, Rocker, Kiffer – kampieren auf dem Festivalgelände. Das größte deutsche #Musik-Event wird zur Mutter aller bedeutenden deutschen Festivals ...
1972, auf der Insel Grün in Germersheim: Beim 2. British #Rock Meeting spielen internationale Künstler wie #PinkFloyd, #UriahHeep und #StatusQuo neben #Krautrock-Bands wie #AmonDüül 2 und #GuruGuru. Was dieses Festival von anderen abhebt, sind nicht nur die Bühnen-Acts, sondern vor allem die Besucherinnen und Besucher: Bis zu 100.000 Gäste – GIs, Blumenkinder, Rocker, Kiffer – kampieren drei Tage lang auf dem Festivalgelände. Um ein Vielfaches mehr Menschen, als die Veranstalter erwartet haben. Es herrscht gigantisches Chaos und die Infrastruktur ist heillos überlastet – doch die Stimmung ist nahezu durchweg friedlich und fröhlich.
Das größte deutsche Musik-Event überhaupt wird zur Mutter aller bedeutenden deutschen Festivals von #Wacken bis Rock am Ring. Das 2. British Rock Meeting ist Ausdruck eines modernen, weltoffenen Deutschlands, das sich vom Rockfieber der Briten und Amerikaner anstecken lässt. Der Auftakt eines Jahrzehnts des Aufbruchs."
@FotoVorschlag #FotoVorschlag „live-Musik“
Meine Lieblingsband #uriahheep
#JethroHeepJourney 50/50
48 albums done in roughly a month.
So, #JethroTull or #UriahHeep?
These journeys definitely make more fun when bands continue to develop and experiment. Both did that but I thought Heep has a bit more to offer here hence I they entertained me a bit better. But this is only valid if you listen to the albums back to back. Individually, #JethroTull has more high quality albums than Heep.
If I had to decide, I'd take: JethroHeep. Because I don't have to decide
With the combined album ranking, my #JethroHeepJourney has come to an end.
Thank you for reading
#JethroHeepJourney 49/50
Summarising my 25 album Uriah Heep journey:
In contrast to Jethro Tull, #UriahHeep did have some bad albums, especially in the late 70s. But they also have extremely high highs, including their latest albums.
They acutally took a very similar path to Saxon, who took their music to more heavy spheres in the mid 2000s.
I was blown away by Look at Yourself and I even put it above Demons and Wizards nor Salisbury and ...Very 'Eavy. The latter has the best Heep song on it (Gypsy), but it isn't as consistent.
So, here is my final Uriah Heep studio album ranking:
#JethroHeepJourney 47/50
Uriah Heep's latest album Chaos & Colour was released last year, just like Tull's RökFlöte.
The direct comparison is astounding. While RökFlöte lacks drive due to lackluster guitar and drum works, Heep go all in on this one.
The guitars are on fire, the drums are thrashing and driving, the vocals are top notch! I was privileged to see "Hurricane" from this album earlier this year, and let me thell you: these guys still got it!
Chaos & Colour is a great album and #UriahHeep is very much alive!
/5 (upgraded, see edit)
Edit: ah what the hell, this one is even better than ...Very 'Eavy ...Very 'Umble
4.5 out of 5!
#JethroHeepJourney 45/50
My wife and I were driving through Sicily in September of 2018 in a red Opel Adam.
I put on Uriah Heeps latest release "Living The Dream" and I was nicely surprised.
By then, I only knew the obvious #UriahHeep songs. But this sounded different, it sounded modern and heavy. But it still had the Hammond organ so it definitely was Uriah Heep.
Living The Dream is basically my go-to album of modern era Heep.
It's great!
Good morning folks!
I only have 4 albums left in my #JethroHeepJourney but before I continue, I have to blast my favourite song of the entire journey. I guess it is no surprise:
Gypsy by Uriah Heep
...Very 'Eavy ...Very 'Umble, 1970
#JethroHeepJourney 43/50
10 years ago #UriahHeep released their 23rd studio album "Outsider". That's a lot and you keep wondering, do they have anything left to say?
Yes they do!
Outsider pretty much follows the path of Into the Wild and Wake the Sleeper. But it's a bit of a tamer horse. I like em wild though, so this'll get a 3 out 5 album covers that look like Wetten Dass...? stage designs (Germans will know).
3/5 means: solid, might pick it up again.
#JethroHeepJourney 41/50
We're getting closer to the end of this long journey, lassies, lads and lanxes.
Good thing Uriah Heep released another great album after Wake the Sleeper.
Into The Wild (released in 2011) is again very heavy, dancing on the border between hard rock and heavy metal.
This is a no filler album, and I even like the ballads (Trail of Diamonds, Kiss Of Freedom). And it has to be mentioned: Bernie Shaw is in excellent shape.
Well done #UriahHeep
/5 great album!