#AidaRostami war eine junge Ärztin. Sie wurde von der Islamischen Republik ermordet, weil sie verletzte Protestierende behandelte. Jetzt wurde ihr Bruder #ArminRostami festgenommen. Nieder mit der Islamischen Republik.
#AidaRostami war eine junge Ärztin. Sie wurde von der Islamischen Republik ermordet, weil sie verletzte Protestierende behandelte. Jetzt wurde ihr Bruder #ArminRostami festgenommen. Nieder mit der Islamischen Republik.
“Dokter #AidaRostami werd vermoord voor het verlenen v medische zorg aan demonstranten!
Dr. #HamidGharehHasanlou is in acuut levensgevaar!
Onze alliantie van medische organisaties toont solidariteit met de vervolgden in #Iran en roept op tot onmiddellijke beëindiging vd >
"In Iran, the medics ready to brave the risks to help the injured are treating protesters in their offices, the demonstrators’ homes or elsewhere.
Aida Rostami, 36, was one of them. She was treating protesters in Ekbatan and other western neighborhoods of Tehran until she disappeared earlier this week. Her tortured body was handed over to her family a day later."
Via "Verein demokratischer Ärzt*innen"
Die Ärztin #AidaRostami wurde ermordet, weil sie Protestierende medizinisch versorgte!
Dr. #HamidGharehHasanlou schwebt in akuter Lebensgefahr!
Unser Bündnis medizinischer Organisationen solidarisiert sich mit den Verfolgten im #Iran. Bitte teilt unseren offenen Brief
@deutschewelle My thoughts are with Taraneh and the protesters, and I despair at the abhorrent injustice of this world. Seeing good people killed and oppressed by power crazed psychotics hurts so much, and I understand why people fight wars to defeat them. Apparently Iran and Russia are forming a defence pact which isn’t surprising. They’ll need it. Hopefully the entire world will turn against them.
@omid To look into the eyes of #AidaRostami is to look into the eyes of the feminist resistance in #Iran. May her spirit be at peace.
Nazanin Boniadi - @NazaninBoniadi
Tehran doctor #AidaRostami was tortured and killed by the murderous Islamic Republic regime for treating injured protesters.
Both her hands were broken and her eye removed.
The Islamic Republic tortured, raped, and murdered Dr #AidaRostami who treated wounded revolutionaries in their homes.
This humanitarians body was found with broken arms, a missing eye, and bruises indicative of rape.
Stop looking away from this horror!
#AidaRostami #Mahsa_Amini
Her name is #AidaRostami, a medical doctor who helped injured protesters in secret in #Iran. On Dec 12, she left the hospital & never came back. The next day the police told her family that she had an accident. No one believes the lies of the regime. @UN_HRC investigate! #MahsaAmini #مهسا_امینی #آیدا_رستمی