Orchid Blossom
Photo of orchid blossoms on photographic paper. No film negative involved.
Ilfospeed PE, Grad. 2 IIRC
Orchid Blossom
Photo of orchid blossoms on photographic paper. No film negative involved.
Ilfospeed PE, Grad. 2 IIRC
Photo of tulips in a glass with water on photographic paper. No film negative involved.
Ilfospeed PE, Grad. 2 IIRC
#8x11in #18x24cm #ilford #Ilfospeed #kardan_color #large format #LF #Linhof #paper_negative #Papiernegativ #PE_paper #sironar #noFensterOnFreitag
I’ve not been able to get out with the big camera lately, so the view from my desk it is.
Linhof Technika V
Nikkor-W 210/5.6 f5.6 @ 1/250s
Ilford HP5+ ex2019 EI200
Another long-term project nearing a wrap, Paul Emery, creative force behind “Rondeau, The Musical, sits by the console at Union Sound.
Linhof Technika V
Nikkor-SW 90/4.5 @ f4.5 & 1s
Kodak Tri-X 320 expired 2019 EI200
About to wrap the final session for a very exciting new project with Friendly Rich with Ed Reifel on percussion and Braden Sauder at Marquee Sound.
Linhof Technika V
Nikkor-SW 90/4.5 @ f16 & 2s, rear tilt
Kodak Tri-X 320 expired 2019 EI250
An earlier state of destruction: my intention had been to document the wanton waste of public land and resources at Ontario Place but the lab so badly botched these frames I was disheartened and did not continue. However, I’ve decided to share then anyway.
I think that may be some of the @ontarioplace4all crew in the kayak.
Woot! Actually took a large format photo of what I visualized I was taking a photo of, I’m quite pleased with this one.
Linhof Technika V
Nikkor-W 210/5.6 @ f8 & 1/15s, rear tilt
Kodak Tri-X 320 expired 2019
Almost like memory.
Another nearly successful large format frame, missed the focus by “that much”, likely I disturbed the camera too much with inadequate patience while inserting the film holder.
Linhof Technika V
Nikkor-W 210/7.1 @ f5.6 & 1/60s, front tilt
Fujichrome RTP2 64T expired 2006
Starting to get closer to my intentions with 4x5 film but still a long way to go. Focus still a bit off and manipulation not yet right. My new dark cloth will likely help with that.
Linhof Technika V
Nikkor-W 210/7.1 @ f7.1 & 1/60s, rear tilt
Fujichrome RTP2 64T expired 2006
Oops! However, one of these images serves as a proof of concept using the Technika III as a rangefinder - focus on the overhead seagull would be challenging with any manual focus camera.
And, nearly a month later, the roll in the Technika 6x9 (although here with a 6x7 back), ends in the place it began. This time with more swans a a comparison between back swing, trying (but failing) to keep the length of the pipe in focus, and back tilt, with the just above the water surface.
Jay Lemak of Synths When graciously humoured me setting up a ridiculous camera and held still for the long exposure required to capture him at his workbench.
Keep those synths running!
Shot on slide film expired in 1992.
In dreams I am adrift in a flat sea with a roiling horizon that never approaches. I awake to discover they were not my dreams at all.
Shot on slide film expired in 1992.
Yesterday’s kayak paddles past Sir Casimir Gzowski’s drainpipe on a slightly colourshifted planet but it’s really that cloudpuff that does it for me.
Shot on slide film expired in 1992.
I happened upon a lovely green kayak on my way to Sir Casimir Gzowski’s drainpipe.
Shot on slide film expired in 1992.
Sunday morning abstract: horrors celebrated beget more horrors.